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Disclaimer about this website
This website takes as its objective the provision of information regarding the management policy, plans, and financial situation of TAZMO to shareholders, investors and other visitors. It constitutes neither an offer nor a solicitation to purchase or sell TAZMO stock.
TAZMO endeavors to ensure that the information and other resources on this website are accurate. However, the company cannot guarantee that all important corporate information will be updated to the site immediately. Furthermore, the company accepts no responsibility for damage or other problems caused by any of the data on the website or the downloading of that data.
Statements made on this website with respect to the TAZMO Group's (TAZMO and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies) current plans, estimates, and strategies that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of the TAZMO Group. These statements are based on management's assumptions and beliefs in light of the information available at the time they were made. They therefore include certain risks and uncertainties. Actual results can differ from these statements due to reasons including, but not limited to, economic trends, competition in the communications industry, and the success or lack thereof of new services.
We ask that those visitors who intend to make investments in TAZMO understand that they bear full responsibility for those investments.